- Law studies and Mandatory legal Traineeship in Berlin
- Additional studies of „IT-Recht/Rechtsinformatik“ in Hanover and London
- Holder of the Academic degree “Master of Laws” (LL.M./Legum Magister)
- From 2001 to 2003 attorney in a major international law firm in Munich (Nörr Stiefenhofer Lutz)
- joined BGHP – Berger Groß Höhmann Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwält*innen mbB in April 2003
- since 2008 Certified specialist for labour law (Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht)
- Longer-term stays abroad in the USA, in France, in Bolivia and in the Rep. of South Africa
Working languages
- German
- Englisch
- French
- Spanish
Fields of expertise
- Thomas Ebinger exclusively represents and provides advice in labor law to the employees, works councils, central-, group works councils and European works councils, employee councils and a representative of severely handicapped employees.
For any further information please consult our Web page at:
Contact me!
You can reach me through our offices in → Berlin, → Hitzacker and → Cologne.
For an initial contact by email or phone and to make an appointment, please contact my secretariat,
Ms. Virginia Schellenberger:
- “Vorzeitig neu wählen“ Aufsatz von Herrn Rechtsanwalt Ebinger, der Zeitschrift AiB Heft 11/2017
- “Schadensersatzanspruch des Arbeitnehmers bei Datenschutzverstößen des Arbeitgebers und seine Bedeutung für die Betriebsratsarbeit”– Published by RA Thomas Ebinger, LL.M. in the magazine ‘Computer und Arbeit’- November 2014 issue
- „10 Praxistipps für Betriebsräte für eine EDV-Betriebsvereinbarung“ – Essay by RA Thomas Ebinger, LL.M. in the journal AiB issue 2/2013
- „Tragen die Juristen Open-Source-Software zu Grabe? – Die GNU GPL vor Gericht” in: Lutterbeck / Gehring / Bärwolff, Open Source Yearbook 2005 , p. 249 – 269
- Legal minefield? Controversial Study on Legal Certainty of Open Source, c’t 2003 issue 15, page 44
- High-court detours – Federal Court of Justice paves the way for software patents, c’t 2000, Issue 25 , pages 264-270
- Open source software – an introduction: in “Der Syndikus”, March / April 2002
- Wie aus Wasser Wein wird [WWW], Gemeineigentum im Internet, Ansprüche, 2001, Heft Nr. 1, S. 11
- Höchstrichterliche Umwege – Bundesgerichtshof ebnet den Weg für Softwarepatente, c’t 2000, Heft 25, Seite 264 – 270
Training and lectures
Training and lectures
- Attorney Ebinger trains works councils (BR, GBR, KBR, EWC) on all essential issues and provides lectures in his areas of expertise